Discover the Power of Epigenic Health

Transform your wellbeing with our range of specialised products.

Epigenic Detoxin G1 (Global Detox)

A combination of essential nutrients and powerful antioxidant compounds, carefully selected to detoxify the body completely, protect against oxidative stress and facilitate the elimination of toxins.

Epigenic Dekelation G2

Key ally in the detoxification and regulation of heavy metals, providing a holistic approach to cellular health and overall well-being.

Candi G3 Epigenic (Candida & Pathogens)

Specifically formulated to eliminate candida and other pathogens from the body. This powerful formula regulates the immune system and restores the body's internal balance.

Epigenic Women G4

An exceptional combination of vitamins, plants and probiotics to balance menstrual cycles, relieve pain and strengthen a woman's reproductive system.

Epigenic Men G5

Advanced formula of vitamins, plants, amino acids, coenzyme Q10 and probiotics designed to improve male fertility and regulate hormones.


Gluten free

Lactose Free



Our epigenic products are designed to effectively detoxify the body by removing toxins and heavy metals.

Antioxidant protection

Our epigenics contain potent antioxidant compounds that protect against oxidative stress and promote cellular health.

Internal balance

Our epigenics help restore the body's internal balance, regulating the immune system and promoting overall health.

Hormonal support

Specifically formulated to balance hormones in both men and women, improving reproductive health and hormonal wellbeing.

Strengthening the reproductive system

Our epigenics can strengthen the reproductive system, improve fertility and regulate menstrual cycles.

Integrated approach to health

Our products offer a holistic approach to health, addressing different aspects of physical and mental well-being.


Our epigenics are formulated with a combination of essential nutrients and antioxidant compounds that help eliminate toxins from the body while protecting against oxidative stress. These nutrients and compounds work together to support the body’s natural detoxification processes, facilitating the elimination of toxins and heavy metals.

Our epigenetics are specifically designed to influence epigenetic processes in the body, which can have an impact on gene expression and cellular health. Unlike many conventional health supplements, epigenic products are formulated to comprehensively address different aspects of health, such as detoxification, hormone regulation and immune system support.

Yes, our epigenics are generally safe when used as directed. They are formulated with natural ingredients and undergo rigorous quality controls to ensure their safety and efficacy. However, it is important to consult with a health professional before starting any supplement regimen, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions or are taking other medications.

Response times may vary depending on the individual and the specific product used. However, many people experience significant benefits in a relatively short period of time, often within a few weeks of regular use. It is important to remember that results may vary and that consistency in the use of products is key to obtaining maximum benefits.

The best way to incorporate our epigenic products into your daily routine is to follow the dosage instructions provided on the product labelling or as recommended by a healthcare professional. Many epigenic products come in capsule or powder form that can be mixed with liquids, making them easy to incorporate into your daily supplement routine.

Our epigenics can be beneficial for people of all ages, from young adults to the elderly. However, it is important to consider individual needs and consult with a health professional before beginning any supplementation regimen, especially for children, pregnant or lactating women, and older people with pre-existing medical conditions.









Alexander Humboldt, 12A

11500 – El Puerto de Santa María (ES)

(+34) 856 925 095

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