
Metabolic Equilibrium

Your ally to maintaining a healthy lifestyle

Food supplement based on organic artichoke leaf extract, probiotic cultures and zinc.

Zinc contributes to the normal metabolism of carbohydrates and fatty acids.

Artichoke extract helps maintain the body's normal purifying process.

The gut microbiota plays a key role in metabolic processes, breaks down undigested carbonated and protein remains in the small intestine, modifying the intestinal pH and favouring the absorption of trace elements. It is very important to take into account the messages that gut bacteria send to the brain as these influence our appetite and mood.

A healthy diet promotes the increase of beneficial bacteria, responsible for the transformation of nutrients for proper absorption as well as the reduction of body fat. By complementing the diet with ProFit, we promote the metabolism of macronutrients and contribute to a correct purification of the organism.

10 Billion CFU

Organic artichoke leaf extract



ProFit is recommended for:

Do you need to take off excess weight?

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Suitable for diabetics

Does not contain gluten

Does not contain milk proteins

Suitable for vegans

Suitable for vegetarians

Suitable for lactose intolerance

Suitable for diabetics

Does not contain gluten

Does not contain milk proteins

Suitable for vegans

Suitable for vegetarians

Suitable for lactose intolerance

ProFit bears the Euro Leaf seal of approval, which guarantees the ecological content and the absence of all additives and toxic substances in their composition.

Frequently Asked Questions

An excellent food supplement that provides 10 billion probiotic cultures in each capsule, the product remains safe and secure until the end of its natural shelf life.

ProFit, formulated with specifically selected active ingredients, brings multiple benefits to the body. It contains organic artichoke extract and zinc, which contributes to the normal metabolism of carbohydrates, fatty acids and normal protein synthesis.

ProFit is formulated with the species Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus gasseri and Bifidobacterium lactis, which have been specifically selected, not only for their individual characteristics, but for the synergistic and complementary effect that exists among them.

Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium produce lactic acid and acetic acid that reduce intestinal pH, creating an unfavourable environment for the survival of pathogenic bacteria and favourable for the rebalancing of intestinal flora.

Previous studies have shown that the combination of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus usually have better results than when used independently.

Our Smart BioCaps® allow you to take ProFit at any time of the day. It is recommended to take one capsule daily. In case of antibiotic treatments, wait at least two hours before taking the food supplement.

You can take ProFit for as long as you need as it is made of good bacteria beneficial for health.

Each box of ProFit contains 30 Smart BioCaps® capsules.










Scientific references:

[1] Borgeraas, H., Johnson, L. K., Skattebu, J., Hertel, J. K., & Hjelmesaeth, J. (2018). Effects of probiotics on body weight, body mass index, fat mass and fat percentage in subjects with overweight or obesity: a systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials. Obesity reviews, 19(2), 219-232.
[2] Hijova, E. (2019). Gut bacterial metabolites of indigestible polysaccharides in intestinal fermentation as mediators of public health. Bratislava Medical Journal/Bratislavske Lekarske Listy, 120(11), 807-812.
[3] Prados-Bo, A., & Gómez-Martínez, S., & Nova, E., & Marcos, A. (2015). El papel de los probióticos en el manejo de la obesidad. Nutrición Hospitalaria, 31(1), 10-18.
[4] Ministero della Salute, Decreto 9 luglio 2012. Disciplina dell’impiego negli integratori alimentari di sostanze e preparati vegetali.


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